Nancy Thiel Voogd

Labyrinth Guide & Builder

Nancy’s ability to deeply listen, hold stillness, and speak for the labyrinth creates a powerful experience for all those who walk her labyrinth or commission one on their land. She delights in sharing the triple spiral and is continually amazed as the labyrinth awakens people to what they most want to know and experience.

When Nancy discovered the triple spiral walking pattern in early 2011, she was already enjoying a decades-long singing career, was immersed in life coaching training, and parenting two teenagers with her beloved husband. Life was full to overflowing, and still it was as if everything was leading to this moment, revealing her devotion to walking and sharing this path.

You can find Nancy in her home in the Santa Cruz mountains with a bright yellow door welcoming visitors, a magical pond her husband built out front, the labyrinth beckoning from behind, and the smells of fresh food and live music wafting from the rafters.

I’m blown away by how intuitive Nancy is, she’ll say something that hits me between the eyes and is exactly what I needed to hear. She goes to the heart of an issue with such ease and clarity.

Luise Hollowell

Independent Editor/Producer, Ignition Creative